How to hold useful meetings that people thank you for at the end

Have you ever been in a meeting that you felt was boring and utterly pointless? Read on to find out how to hold meetings that are useful and that your attendees actually enjoy.
Have you ever been in a meeting that you felt was boring and utterly pointless? Read on to find out how to hold meetings that are useful and that your attendees actually enjoy.
Line management meetings are often the first thing to be cut in busy school environments but senior managers underestimate their importance at their peril.
I don’t really like group work. It’s just not for me. I’ve been on two (pretty good) courses recently where I had to work in a group to come up with ideas and then execute a task. Let me clarify: I’m fine working with people, happy to be part of a team- as a member […]
This blog post could be considered a response or maybe even a companion piece to one written by Christopher Waugh (@edutronic_net), a teacher and thought-provoking educational blogger. Chris’s article was about the need to evaluate and constantly improve what happens in the classroom in order to improve outcomes for students. The bit that stood out for […]