Your career doesn’t have to be a straight line – here’s my example
Here are the 25 things I’ve been paid to do:
- Clean bums on a hospital ward
- Influence government policy
- Write newspaper articles
- Research adult nappies
- Sell advertising (I walked out)
- Set business strategy targets
- Improve books and reports
- Sell double glazing (hated)
- Make burgers
- Appear on radio
- Interview experts
- Chair round tables
- Evaluate train fleets
- Photograph weddings
- Support small business owners
- Deliver speeches
- Edit podcasts
- Write books
- Sell clothes
- Speak on panels
- Coach leaders
- Train teachers
- Help people career pivot
- Teach children
- Write poems
*not in chronological order.
The lesson?
My career isn’t a straight line. If yours isn’t either that’s ok.
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