Iesha Small

writing, career pivots, side hustles

Build you career like an entrepreneur.

Your career doesn’t have to be a straight line – here’s my example

Here are the 25 things I’ve been paid to do:

  1. Clean bums on a hospital ward
  2. Influence government policy
  3. Write newspaper articles
  4. Research adult nappies
  5. Sell advertising (I walked out)
  6. Set business strategy targets
  7. Improve books and reports
  8. Sell double glazing (hated)
  9. Make burgers
  10. Appear on radio
  11. Interview experts
  12. Chair round tables
  13. Evaluate train fleets
  14. Photograph weddings
  15. Support small business owners
  16. Deliver speeches
  17. Edit podcasts
  18. Write books
  19. Sell clothes
  20. Speak on panels
  21. Coach leaders
  22. Train teachers
  23. Help people career pivot
  24. Teach children
  25. Write poems


*not in chronological order.

The lesson?

My career isn’t a straight line. If yours isn’t either that’s ok.

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Your career doesn’t have to be a straight line – here’s my example