Why networking is crucial for new opportunities
You don’t need to network.
You are good at your job. You’ve worked at your company for yeeearrrs. You are busy getting on with doing not talking.
That’s great. Love that for you.
What happens if:
A new boss starts. They don’t rate your work. Your company starts losing money. You hear “redundancy” mentioned. There’s a health scare. You need to work differently.
You’ve spent ages with your head down and letting your work do the talking. Now you may need to move and nobody knows who you are.
Despite years of experience you feel like you are starting from scratch.
You are up against 100s of other people, writing applications and sending CVs with nothing to separate you.
If you had made time to build a strong network you wouldn’t be.
Early in my career I thought working hard was enough. I applied for jobs and attempted to career pivot and didn’t get a response.
Why networking is important
Developing my network alongside my skills has meant:
– I’ve been guaranteed interviews on application.
– I’ve had jobs created specifically for my skills.
– I’ve been directly connected with CEOs to discuss speaking and consulting.
– I was recommended for jobs that I didn’t know existed.
– I’ve been offered £££££ worth of consultancy, speaking and facilitating.
– I’ve been able to successfully career pivot and have better overall quality of life.
My network has come through for me when:
– I’ve wanted to career pivot.
– I was between jobs and money was tight.
– I seriously doubted my skills and expertise.
But it was only there because I put in the time before I needed it.
Still think you don’t need to network?
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