What’s the point of an email signature?

Most people don’t give much thought to their email signature but does yours do what it needs to?
Most people don’t give much thought to their email signature but does yours do what it needs to?
You can influence how people react when something goes wrong by the way you communicate with them. Here are some lessons I learnt from my train driver during a recent delayed train journey.
Have you ever been in a meeting that you felt was boring and utterly pointless? Read on to find out how to hold meetings that are useful and that your attendees actually enjoy.
Lots of companies have core values that they promote. How specific are employers about how these look in practice, and how are they embodied by people they employ or wish to collaborate with? – 652 words Over dinner recently, I got talking to my companion, Matt, about values. He is currently recruiting for his new […]
Why are people so scared of change? How can we experience and implement it in a more positive way?
Tips for employers to support staff with mental health issues so they can do their best work. This post is in support of #mentalhealthawarenesweek.
Line management meetings are often the first thing to be cut in busy school environments but senior managers underestimate their importance at their peril.
We learn signs to flag up safeguarding issues for students but not for the adults who we are also responsible for in our schools and teams.
Everything is about people, leadership, teaching, other organisations. Let’s not forget that (236 words). If you asked most people about what schools are about they’ll say education. This is true and it’s what I probably would have said if you asked me a while ago. I’ve had a bit of an epiphany in recent years. Schools […]
What can line managers do to build trust and make people feel valued? Take a genuine interest in them. (244 words) Do you line manage people? How many of the following do you know about them? Do they have kids? Do they have a pet? Do they have a partner? What are the names of […]