How becoming a parent changed me professionally

Becoming a parent forced me to re-evaluate my working patterns and priorities. Here’s how having less time oddly led to a more rounded life.
Becoming a parent forced me to re-evaluate my working patterns and priorities. Here’s how having less time oddly led to a more rounded life.
“How the hell did you do it [with 2 young children]?” “Because I could afford to have childcare at home.” When I heard the above exchange on an old episode of Desert Island Discs, I thought five things in quick succession. How refreshing. Finally a high profile and accomplished woman who doesn’t pretend that they […]
“Your job cannot contain the sum total of who you are and what you want to make” We have three children; in August they will be five, two and two. We were so smug in our evening routine that got them off to bed fairly early and gave us space to spend time together – […]