Small acts of creation
“Your job cannot contain the sum total of who you are and what you want to make”
We have three children; in August they will be five, two and two. We were so smug in our evening routine that got them off to bed fairly early and gave us space to spend time together – that is, until the clocks went forward. The lighter nights decimated our cosy routine. I’ve not had a night of uninterrupted sleep for several weeks and, until last week, the kids were taking well over an hour to get to sleep. This, coupled with waking with the birds, meant the sleep deprivation of the newborn months had returned.
I need regular creativity in my life to stay happy. Creativity beyond my work. Suddenly, the time I’d carved out most evenings for creating or reading had disappeared. We were falling asleep on the sofa at 9pm.
At Easter I listened to a podcast about the power of morning routines and realised that could be the key for me. One problem, though – I already got up at 0530, and wasn’t sure I could face much earlier. Then I reflected that most mornings I actually woke up at 0500 then just lay around waiting for my alarm to go off. How about just getting up when I opened my eyes?
After some early teething problems, fast forward two months.
Wake up around 0500-0510 with no alarm
Get up immediately
Go downstairs
Make a mint tea
Read a non-fiction book
Write up to one A4 page (longhand) in response to this
0530 go upstairs
Shower, get dressed
0600 family get up and the circus starts
What’s been the effect? The evenings are still crazy but my day starts with calm and an act of creation every day. The result? A much happier and more contented me. Make time to create – you’ll be better for it.
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The Methods and The Madness | Freeing the Angel
18th June 2015 at 4:59 pm[…] It was absolutely lovely to put flesh and blood faces to names such as Rachel Jones, Debra Kidd, Iesha Small and David Rogers, among many other lovely people. Sometimes meeting people you ‘know’ […]