45 ways I have failed

If you haven’t failed, you probably haven’t been trying to do anything hard… Here are 45 ways I’ve failed!
If you haven’t failed, you probably haven’t been trying to do anything hard… Here are 45 ways I’ve failed!
People in leadership roles often have to implement change. I share what I learnt from implementing a peer coaching program when I was a teacher and the lessons it taught me about creating organisational change in various sectors. Background Almost a decade ago I was an assistant head teacher in a school that was doing […]
Grandad didn’t say much. A carpenter, a handyman, he was the person you turned to get things done. He was the strong, silent type. But I know what he loved. He loved his God, he loved his wife, he loved his family. How do I know? Because, to Grandad, love was an action, not just […]
It’s August and the summer holidays. Time to slow down the pace a bit. What might you notice about your surroundings if you step off the hamster wheel?
Recently I received a hand-written letter of complaint. It was from some pupils in a class that I teach, they handed it to me at the end of a lesson and it was wonderful. Working at a secondary school with teenagers is never dull. It is sometimes frustrating, often rewarding, sometimes tiring but most consistently […]
When we want to reach parents or others who don’t usually engage with what we offer, how much do we really just try and bend them to what suits us?
What’s the point of maths? The question that every maths teacher will hear at some point in their teaching lives. After 14 years of teaching maths I have an unexpectedly creative response. The question that every maths teacher will be asked If you are a maths teacher or have ever taught maths, you will have […]
Becoming a parent forced me to re-evaluate my working patterns and priorities. Here’s how having less time oddly led to a more rounded life.
High profile examples of breaking the glass ceiling don’t mean permanent change for all of us. Learning the techniques of influence may be a way to continue to push things forward.
Jean-Micheal Basqiaut was a self taught American artist. After attending an exhibition of his work in London here are 8 things I realised that professionals in any field can learn from him.