Iesha Small

writing, career pivots, side hustles

Build you career like an entrepreneur.

Why you should tell artists when you’ve enjoyed their work

Creating art is hard. Especially when it’s out under your own name, not hiding behind an organisation’s.

It can be very personal, you spend weeks, months maybe even years creating, re-drafting.
It would be safer to keep it to yourself or just share it with people you know.

But you know it could touch/help/impact other people so you take a deep breath and release it.

Now, it’s out into the wild. You can’t protect it any more. You can’t hide.

Will it connect with anyone?
Will anyone read, listen, go to see it?
Is it any good?

Unless you are a live performer you have no idea.

It can be a bit like shouting or throwing something into a void.

I was at a meeting once. While I was waiting I noticed a book by an author I know called Sue Cowley. So I took a picture and sent her an email telling her.

In a writing group Paul Spiers (who also has a wonder voice btw) dropped in the chat that he was currently reading and enjoying my book The Unexpected Leader.

I wrote it over 5 years ago and my goal was to write a book that would still be useful to leaders who wanted to have more humanity in their working life years in the future.

Hearing Paul say that he found it relevant now made my day.

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Why you should tell artists when you’ve enjoyed their work