Iesha Small

writing, career pivots, side hustles

Build you career like an entrepreneur.

Cages of the mind

How many situations that we find ourselves in and feel trapped by are actually the cages that we imagine? (253 words)

Because we live in a household with twin two year olds we still have a child gate (actually a former dog gate) at the entrance to our lounge. A few months ago  I noted that their older brother had opened the gate and forgotten to close it. I watched as S toddled over to the gate and fully expected to see her waddle off to freedom. Instead, I was very surprised (and a little sad) to note that she went over to the gate and closed it.

I was reminded of that incident again today when talking to a friend who keeps considering becoming a self- employed contractor but regularly (by his own admission) talks himself back into the safety and security of what he already knows even though he suspects he can do better.

Fast forward a few months and S and E now actively try to climb over the gate and use all of the tools at their disposal to do so. Steps. Coffee tables. Duplo boxes. Soon they’ll work out how to open the gate themselves, just as their brother did and it will become obsolete.

How often do our own expectations and fears hem us in and narrow our horizons?

How often do we pass up the opportunity that would lead us to freedom or at least something different?

How can we gain a different perspective or look at the tools around us to change our situations?


Cages of the mind