Broke vs poor

Being in a persistent and often intergenerational state of having very little money and access to resources is not the same as temporarily having low income as an individual.
Being in a persistent and often intergenerational state of having very little money and access to resources is not the same as temporarily having low income as an individual.
The first rule of money club is you don’t talk about money club. The second rule of money club is you don’t talk about money club. Talking about money is vulgar, gauche, taboo. I’m going to break the rules.
12 months ago the UK entered its first lockdown due to the Covid19 pandemic. My reading fell off a cliff. I couldn’t concentrate, I had no energy and no motivation to read. Eventually my reading mojo returned. Here’s what I read and learned over the past year.
It’s easy to spend money randomly and without thinking. How well do your recent purchases reflect what you consider to be important?
Teach meets started as an informal gathering of teachers, hoping to share ideas and learn from each other. They we free and informal and for teachers, by teachers. Some presentations were good, some were bad, some useful some less so but they were democratic and practitioner- led. They were the antidote to conferences and courses […]