Iesha Small

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Unconventional Leadership: My interview on the inspiration for teachers podcast

Recently I was interviewed by Kelly Long for the Inspiration for Teachers podcast. Being interviewed really makes you reflect on your professional practice so I’d recommend it if you get offered the opportunity. Kelly conducted a great interview with the main theme being unconventional leadership. 

A few of the key points covered:

  • Teacher parent relationships – parents are partners not adversaries. Approach conversations from that viewpoint and often parents respond well even if the topic you are discussing is difficult
  • My unexpected introduction to my first middle management role after my boss went off sick
  • Recognising the expertise in a team and getting them on board as partners
  • The importance of your personal core values when applying for middle and senior leadership- why are you in education?
  • How knowing core values will help you in your daily working life
  • Knowing your leadership philosophy- mine is student centred but I’m also very clear that staff need to be treated well and respected. Great staff are not an expendable resource.
  • The gap between what leadership actually has been for me and what I thought it would be earlier in my career
  • Leadership as relationships- the importance of small 1-2-1 conversations
  • Noticing the positives

Have a listen and see if you agree







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Unconventional Leadership: My interview on the inspiration for teachers podcast