Five British Books for Black History Month

October is Black History month in the UK sometimes it can be very US-centric. Here are 5 great books I’ve read that explore the Black British experience.
October is Black History month in the UK sometimes it can be very US-centric. Here are 5 great books I’ve read that explore the Black British experience.
Recently I received a hand-written letter of complaint. It was from some pupils in a class that I teach, they handed it to me at the end of a lesson and it was wonderful. Working at a secondary school with teenagers is never dull. It is sometimes frustrating, often rewarding, sometimes tiring but most consistently […]
When we want to reach parents or others who don’t usually engage with what we offer, how much do we really just try and bend them to what suits us?
Have you ever felt the need to hide a facet of yourself at work? Some teachers who identify as LGBT experience this on a daily basis. I recount my experience to help them here.
What’s the point of maths? The question that every maths teacher will hear at some point in their teaching lives. After 14 years of teaching maths I have an unexpectedly creative response. The question that every maths teacher will be asked If you are a maths teacher or have ever taught maths, you will have […]
What do middle class teachers actually know about how poverty affects the working class children they teach?
Salary negotiation isn’t just for people on 6 figure salaries or in ridiculous tech or finance jobs. In my experience teachers can negotiate salaries too.
Seeing Black people in positions of authority is important for all ppl, Black and non.