Iesha Small

writing, career pivots, side hustles

Build you career like an entrepreneur.

Have you found the right community for you?

Do you have community?

I used to shy away from groups. I didn’t fit in.

I didn’t trust group dynamics.

Sometimes people were left out.

People felt forced to do stuff they didn’t want.

I preferred to be on the edges. I preferred one to one.

Today I’m grateful for my communities

Places where I fit. Places where we make each other better.

My writing group has supported me professionally and personally for three years.

A personal WhatsApp group has picked me up when I had some set backs this week.

Students in my Career Pivot Pro pilot cohort have helped each other with connections, introductions (and song recommendations).

I’ve had support from my business mentoring group.

These aren’t groups they are communities.

So if you are weary of groups maybe you just haven’t found the right community.

Build your career like an entrepreneur.

I’m Iesha,

I help leaders career pivot to work they enjoy and create opportunities and freedom. We use frameworks and strategy for repeatable results. 

Engineer → Assistant Headteacher → Head of Comms + Business Owner

To find out more sign up for my newsletter or email me.

Have you found the right community for you?