Stop applying for jobs you don’t want
Hey you – step away from that panic job application. You don’t want that role.
It’s alright. I was you a few months ago when I quit my job. And a few years before that when I taught maths.
I’m working currently with a pilot cohort for my program to help experienced professionals successfully career pivot.
Recently my clients consider their personal values that would help guide future decisions.
Personal values
Personal development
These helped me say “no” to panic jobs I didn’t really want when I resigned from my role with nothing lined up.
They helped me decide which opportunities to say “yes” to that fit with the life I really wanted to lead even if they didn’t make sense to other people.
They helped me say “yes” to extended time with my family, close friends and myself before having the clarity to know what to do professionally.
Then I pivoted
Now I’m a head of communications for a charity and I run my own business alongside.
If you aren’t sure what to do next. Stop. Have a think. Write down your values before making hasty decisions that keep getting you the same results that you don’t really want any more.
I’m rooting for you, good luck!
Build your career like an entrepreneur.
I’m Iesha,
I help leaders career pivot to work they enjoy using frameworks and strategy.
Engineer → Assistant Headteacher → Head of Comms + Business Owner
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