Crap and crapper, the current choice in UK politics

Anti-semitism vs anti-Blackness what is a picaninny with watermelon smile to do?
Anti-semitism vs anti-Blackness what is a picaninny with watermelon smile to do?
“If you want a friend in politics get a dog.” Lessons from a great panel event Last week I was working in Manchester on Wednesday and Leamington Spa on Thursday. I had several hours’ train travel ahead and realised that I’d booked a ticket for an event on Tuesday in London ages ago. On Sunday […]
“Britain was a society run mostly by cliques and groups of friends who had first met at public schools and Oxbridge. Public school education remained the key for anyone hoping to make a career in the City, the civil service or the higher echelons of the army. Schools such as Eaton, Harrow and Winchester might […]