The Wrong Type of Tree

The Scottish highlands are a rare unique biome found nowhere else in the UK but for my purposes the majestic Scottish Pines are all the wrong type of tree.
The Scottish highlands are a rare unique biome found nowhere else in the UK but for my purposes the majestic Scottish Pines are all the wrong type of tree.
I last wrote on my blog 6 months ago. I had an unplanned personal hibernation in many areas of my life. Recently, my daughter pointed out the beautiful, dark pink blossom appearing on the trees on our road. Nature is signifying spring, new beginnings and rejuvenation so I’ll follow her cues and get back into thinking […]
The Covid 19 pandemic has made many of us more aware of the nature we have on our doorsteps. Public and private outdoor spaces have become our settings for exercise, leisure and social contact. The benefits of spending time in nature should be a universal right but sadly they are not equally available to all in our society.
12 months ago the UK entered its first lockdown due to the Covid19 pandemic. My reading fell off a cliff. I couldn’t concentrate, I had no energy and no motivation to read. Eventually my reading mojo returned. Here’s what I read and learned over the past year.
Sometimes we travel thousands of miles at great expense to experience beauty and awe. My quest to visit all of the UK National Parks has taught me that we have world-class landscapes which can delight and inspire in the UK.
waves lapping on shore distant thoughts circling my mind stop thinking, just be ********** Earlier, the 7 year olds had to write haiku as part of their remote learning. Their teachers set a variety of photographs as writing prompts, one was a photograph of a tropical beach scene. At the time of writing it […]
Nature connectedness is a person’s sense of their relationship with nature. It has been linked to positive wellbeing. This article outlines 5 research informed ways to improve nature connectedness. They could form a framework for activities for young people and other members of society who would benefit from wellbeing gains associated with nature. You are […]
What is nature connectedness and why is it important for your wellbeing?
Grandad didn’t say much. A carpenter, a handyman, he was the person you turned to get things done. He was the strong, silent type. But I know what he loved. He loved his God, he loved his wife, he loved his family. How do I know? Because, to Grandad, love was an action, not just […]