More work, less play at school

School break times have reduced since the 1990s. There are differences for older pupils and for poorer pupils. Is leisure and rest something is only for certain sections of our society?
School break times have reduced since the 1990s. There are differences for older pupils and for poorer pupils. Is leisure and rest something is only for certain sections of our society?
Teachers are not infallible, assuming they are puts vulnerable children at risk.
I once had an obvious crush on somebody in power at a school. They didn’t exploit it. Others can do the same.
When we want to reach parents or others who don’t usually engage with what we offer, how much do we really just try and bend them to what suits us?
I’ve been told that the key to success is to be useful to people. Read on to find four ways that you can implement this week to be useful, successful and build great professional relationships
Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about values and ethos. It’s been a month where recent announcements have led to whole cohorts of children being entered for exams and then withdrawn again. I don’t want to write specifically regarding early entries, as I feel much has been written about those subjects and there is no […]
I’ve had the opportunity to spend time in schools over than my own over the past few weeks and have been treated generously by Heads and other SLT members who have given me part of their time. I’m still reflecting on specifics that relate to the particular context of my school and responsibilities but below […]
For a person with a background in maths and applied sciences I can be unusually pedantic when it comes to words, especially if they are words which convey an important concept. There are some words that I feel have become dulled in our current society through over use and often misuse. For example, in my […]
The above is the rather blunt question I that posed recently during an occasional focus/ discussion group that I attend with other educational professionals at the DfE. It was posed to a civil servant who was part of the team who advises Michael Gove and was part of a wider discussion about the direction of travel […]