Paid exposure to racism is still trauma

Continued exposure to racism and its effects creates trauma. This doesn’t change just because people are being paid. Employers need to consider their duty of care more.
Continued exposure to racism and its effects creates trauma. This doesn’t change just because people are being paid. Employers need to consider their duty of care more.
12 months ago the UK entered its first lockdown due to the Covid19 pandemic. My reading fell off a cliff. I couldn’t concentrate, I had no energy and no motivation to read. Eventually my reading mojo returned. Here’s what I read and learned over the past year.
My kids are used to thinking about people of all races in various positions of power. Why do they insist that gods are always white? Imagine the following pandemic scene. Two parents are working in a room, trying not to disturb each other while on work meetings. A pair of 7 year olds are doing […]
“Iesha, what’s you opinion on how youth focused charities can have more Black representation on their boards?” Well…
Why I keep saying no when I’m repeatedly asked to write, speak and train about racism. This year I have written 9 blog posts on my personal blog. They have covered a number of topics including: how charities can influence policy, how to keep healthy while working from home, how visiting the sea helps me with […]
Continued exposure to racism and its effects creates trauma. More white people who think they are allies need to understand this.
It is October. Black History Month in the UK. Time to share, support and buy Black authors.
Realisation. I dislike the term BAME. It’s cold it’s official and it’s too broad.
October is Black History month in the UK sometimes it can be very US-centric. Here are 5 great books I’ve read that explore the Black British experience.
Seeing Black people in positions of authority is important for all ppl, Black and non.