Let’s talk about money

The first rule of money club is you don’t talk about money club. The second rule of money club is you don’t talk about money club. Talking about money is vulgar, gauche, taboo. I’m going to break the rules.
The first rule of money club is you don’t talk about money club. The second rule of money club is you don’t talk about money club. Talking about money is vulgar, gauche, taboo. I’m going to break the rules.
12 months ago the UK entered its first lockdown due to the Covid19 pandemic. My reading fell off a cliff. I couldn’t concentrate, I had no energy and no motivation to read. Eventually my reading mojo returned. Here’s what I read and learned over the past year.
It can be easy to judge ourselves against external measures of success that don’t reflect what truly matters to us. Recently I’ve defined what success means to me and it’s helped guide important decisions in my life.
Have you ever had an idea that you haven’t acted on then come across years later? Do we give up on some ideas too early? Maybe we need time to become the person who can execute ideas that are currently bigger that us?
Ever tried to rewatch a film or TV show that you used to love and wondered what the hell you had been thinking? Great art lasts beyond a season. It grows as you do and offers new insights and joy over time.
Sometimes we travel thousands of miles at great expense to experience beauty and awe. My quest to visit all of the UK National Parks has taught me that we have world-class landscapes which can delight and inspire in the UK.
What is solitude and why do we need it in work and life?
I impulsively removed most apps and email from my personal phone for a month and was surprised by the results.
England has just been given a set of dates to ease lockdown 3. I wish the Prime Minister had concentrated more on data milestones instead. Earlier this week, Boris Johnson announced his road map to easing lock down restrictions in England due to coronavirus. The Prime Minister set out a series of dates when […]
My kids are used to thinking about people of all races in various positions of power. Why do they insist that gods are always white? Imagine the following pandemic scene. Two parents are working in a room, trying not to disturb each other while on work meetings. A pair of 7 year olds are doing […]